We sing together, you and I.
You, not only bamboo...
I, not only I...
Bamboo without my breath: no sound;
My body without bamboo: no song.
Bamboo and body:
One shakuhachi,
One energy-shape,
One trembling, warm sound.
Struggling with you
I do fierce combat with myself.
Through your seed-sound
You give me life.
Through your birth canal
I am being born.
Outside, male;
Inside, female.
Uniting the two in your bamboo body,
One bamboo body,
You resonate with the crazy, love dance:
Pulsating "Tsuido."*VIShakuhachi,
Sing to me.
I touch you and warm you, resonate with me.
I ply your body, respond to me.
As I caress you, sing to me.
As I roam your bambooscape,
Let me sound you,
And as you receive my energy, sing me.
Dance with me, Hassun;
Take me into your pulsating sound color, your singing shapes
And let your bamboo wind strength be in me.
*"Tsuido" is the name of a shakuhachi duet composed by Yamamoto Hozan and translated means "Paired or Entwined Movement."